UPTON HTO is high quality heat transfer oil, it has good oxidation stability, suitable for closed system of heat transfer equipment which operate up to 3200C of bulk temperature. UPTON HTO 32 has the viscosity relatively low so it good viscosity versus temperature characteristic and high heat coefficient.


UON HTO adalah minyak transfer panas berkualitas tinggi, ia memiliki stabilitas oksidasi yang baik, cocok untuk sistem tertutup dari peralatan transfer panas yang beroperasi hingga 3200C suhu curah. UON HTO 32 memiliki viskositas yang relatif rendah sehingga viskositasnya baik terhadap karakteristik suhu dan koefisien panas yang tinggi.

UON HTO direkomendasikan untuk digunakan pada penukar panas jenis minyak di pabrik aspal, ketel tar atap, mesin curing.


  1. Stabilitas termal dan oksidasi yang unggul.
  2. Meminimalkan pembentukan setoran
  3. Lindungi korosi dan karat.
  4. Memberikan demulibilitas yang baik.
  5. Mengandung oksidasi suhu tinggi inhibitor
  6. Interval cairan umur panjang

UON HTO is high quality heat transfer oil, it has good oxidation stability, suitable for closed system of heat transfer equipment which operate up to 3200C of bulk temperature. UON HTO 32 has the viscosity relatively low so it good viscosity versus temperature characteristic and high heat coefficient.

UON HTO is recommended for use on oil type heat exchangers in aspalt plant, roofer tar kettles, curing machines.


  1. Superior thermal and oxidation stability.
  2. Minimizes deposit formation
  3. Protect corrosion and rust.
  4. Provide good demulsibility.
  5. Contains high temperature oxidation
  6. Long life fluid interval
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